The city’s largest park area, warehouses, and popular residential areas are just some of the things that give Hisingen its characteristic feel. During the last few years, this island (which is Sweden’s fifth largest) is becoming more full of city life and areas like Kville and Eriksberg are developing fast with great restaurants, cafés, and hangouts. The short bus or tram trip out to Hisingen makes it very accessible from the center of Gothenburg and it’s ideal for those who like a good balance between fast paced city life and living close to nature. We have several Corporate Apartments in Gothenburg and Corporate Apartments in Sweden if your company also looking for accommodation in another city.
Här kan man bo
Our favourite spots
Keiler Park & Ramberget
Keiler park with its famous hill – Ramberget – is undoubtedly one of the most visited and beloved places in Gothenburg. There is a tram station near the edge of the park, and the top of the hill, which has one of the best views of Gothenburg, is easily accessible by car, bike, or foot. This wide and green open space is perfect for a picnic, a walk or a jog.
Eriksberg & Färjenäs
This popular neighborhood is in many ways a perfect embodiment of the heart and soul of Gothenburg. In the 1950s and 60’s, Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verkstad was the most profitable shipyard in the country and one of the city’s main workplaces. Gothenburg is widely known as the country’s most music loving city and during the 80’s, the old shipyard became the city’s main concert arena hosting artists like Madonna, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson, and the Rolling Stones. In later years this neighborhood has undergone a huge transformation and become an attractive residential area full of great spots and city life.Apart from enjoying all the great cafés and restaurants by the waterfront in Eriksberg you can also go for a picnic or some exercise at Färjenäsparken which has a nice playground for the kids as well as a basketball court, skatepark, football field, and the more than 400 year old ruins of the first attempt to build “Old Gothenburg” that got destroyed in 1611.
What locals do
Kvillebäcken & Backaplan
The tram line hub Vågmästareplatsen is located in the Kvillebäcken neighbourhood where you’ll find two of the locals’ favourite commercial areas – the Kville Market Hall and the Backaplan mall. Kville Market Hall is a charming spot to buy fresh produce and delikatessen or sit down at one of their restaurants to enjoy Peruvian ceviche, grilled meats, or sushi. Backaplan on the other hand is a large and well sorted mall that will meet any shopping needs you might have.
Bananpiren & Café Fluß
Another favourite of the locals’ is Bananpiren. This pier located near Backaplan is one of the city’s most important cultural scenes with many different venues and stages where you can enjoy shows, concerts, drive-in cinema, and dancing in nightclubs. Café Fluß is the most celebrated and versatile venue on the pier and is well worth a visit.
Kvillebäcken & Backaplan
The tram line hub Vågmästareplatsen is located in the Kvillebäcken neighbourhood where you’ll find two of the locals’ favourite commercial areas – the Kville Market Hall and the Backaplan mall. Kville Market Hall is a charming spot to buy fresh produce and delikatessen or sit down at one of their restaurants to enjoy Peruvian ceviche, grilled meats, or sushi. Backaplan on the other hand is a large and well sorted mall that will meet any shopping needs you might have.
Bananpiren & Café Fluß
Another favourite of the locals’ is Bananpiren. This pier located near Backaplan is one of the city’s most important cultural scenes with many different venues and stages where you can enjoy shows, concerts, drive-in cinema, and dancing in nightclubs. Café Fluß is the most celebrated and versatile venue on the pier and is well worth a visit.