Apartment Hotel in Lund
Skarpskyttevägen, Skarp All apartments LundOur apartments at Skarpskyttevägen are also available for students and researchers to rent.

Things our customers appreciate about our apartment hotels:
- Choose between studios and larger apartments
- Bring your team to one location
- Affordable longstay option, available for students and researchers
Aparthotel in Lund for budget friendly longstays
Affordable aparthotel in Lund
Our aparthotel in Lund is located on Skarpskyttevägen. The property is just a few kilometres away from both the IT and science cluster Ideon Science Park and downtown Lund. It's an affordable longstay option for you that want to gather your team in one place where they can quickly commute to work and enjoy the best of what Lund has to offer. in Lund we also make an exception and rent to people without their own company that needs a temporary accommodation. At our apartment hotel in Lund, we are open for both students and guest-researchers.
Choose between studio and two bedroom hotel apartments
In our portfolio of hotel apartments in Lund, you will find modern and well-planned studio and two-bedroom apartments at a reasonable price, just a bike ride away from the city centre, the industrial centre of Ideon Science Park, and the Botanical Garden – close to both work and recreation.